ACTEM Web 2.0

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Over and Out!


Over and Out, really this time!


ACTEM Web 2.0

The last thing we will do is create a survey for this session. Web 2.0 allows you to create things on the fly. I like to think of it as creating meaning after a lesson.

go to

Monday, October 09, 2006

ACTEM Web 2.0

This is an example of Web 1.0 online collection of your Favorites or Bookmarks.
Once you get here you can log in as guest with my user name
coakes55 then you will have access to my Favorites.

Here is an example of a Web 2.0 online collection of my favorites and soon you will add your favorites to my list! This is called social networking, social bookmarking.

Here is the Actemweb2

This is an example of Bubbleshare and the Russian Space Experiment with SuitSat.

ACTEM Web 2.0

You have seen whiteboards, now here is a virtual whiteboard.

You can join as a guest and see this great tool.
In Vyew you can also chat, instant message while viewing the white board and if you have a phone available there is an audio chat that can happen as well.
This tool is great for professional development, but could be used with small groups of students from other schools for a project.


Here is a way to create your own blog, then immediately post a podcast. All the work is done for you, there is a recorder on the webpage, you can re-record after you listen. You can add your own tag, you can post to iTunes, you can create a URL for your podcast and you have a record of who visits with a free map, and places for comments.

Here is my message to you.

ACTEM Web 2.0

Here is an example of Springdoo Video. As long as you have a webcam connected to your computer or laptop you can send video email messages to people. You can also collect the code and paste into your blog, once people click on the URL, they can view the video. You have 3 min. with the video compared to 10 min. with straight audio.

Bubbleshare example

Bubbleshare allows you to upload photos, create a slide show complete with an audio message and comments.

This album is powered by
- Add to my blog

Web 2.0 Tools of the Trade

When looking at Web 2.0 tools you need to decide the purpose for your audience. It could be the purpose for your community, the purpose for your classroom, the purpose for your peers. This journey will be one road map. Make your own path, the journey is yours.